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Capital at risk
Capital at risk
Director guaranteed
You make
Minimum investment is £100
Total return
Monthly repayments

With over 10,000+ 5 star reviews, Caesar Commerce Limited, trading as ComfyCozy has been crowned an "Amazon best selling brand." Born in the UK, this e-commerce brand is now delivering worldwide. Founder, John Moses is currently seeking funds for stock purchase and working capital.

Our mission is to endorse a life of wellness and self care and help you to relax and indulge in premium comfort whilst cozy at home.

We are a luxury homeware and textile brand that sells premium luxury items, designed to assist with relaxation. Our purpose is to endorse a life of wellness and self care, which is translated through the highest quality materials and ingredients and our deluxe product packaging. Some of our most popular products include: luxury memory foam pillows, crystal bath bombs, incense burners and pillow mist sprays.

Our luxury packaging and exquisite craftsmanship is what has resulted in the growth of the company.
Whilst our journey humbly started in the United Kingdom, we have gone on to become a global brand both in Amazon and retail stores across Europe, Asia, Oceania and America. With eco-friendly packaging, next day delivery and 24/7 customer service we have grown our list of customers and developed an excellent reputation online.

With over 10,000+ 5 star reviews, we have been crowned an "Amazon best selling brand" and can boast thousands of happy customers around the world! The ComfyCozy Philosophy- Amazon number 1 bestselling brand. Amazon are currently the only other authorised retailer of our products. We are currently seeking funds for stock purchase and working capital.

Credit commentary:
The director is providing a personal guarantee, this means that if the business fails, the director becomes personally liable for the loan. The director is a homeowner, however, this does not ensure there are sufficient assets should the loan need to be recovered. There have been no CCJs for the business or director. In 2021, distribution costs were £1,052, admin costs were £62,351, other operating income was negative £10,832 and other operating expenses were £1,497. In 2022, distribution costs were £107,136, admin costs were £17,896 and other operating income was negative £23,332. The admin expenses in the 2021 to 2022 financial table below includes distribution costs, other operating income and other operating expenses. The bank statements demonstrate reasonable affordability and the accounts remain well in credit.

ComfyCozy is an e-commerce business and has proven good resilience during the pandemic.


Business keeps the raised amount even if target is not met.
Loan - product type
Tranche (2 of 3)
£ 133k
£ 30k
Est close date
Funded 2 years ago in 24 days

Where will the funds go?

Working Capital

Key people

Joshua Moses

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Business brand

London, UK

"Our mission is to endorse a life of wellness and self care and help you to relax and indulge in premium comfort whilst cozy at home."

5 years, 0 months
Credit risk indicator

Risk warning

Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Your capital invested is not covered for compensation in the event of a loss by the FSCS. Tax treatment will depend on the individual circumstances and may be subject to change. Please see our Risk section before making an investment decision.