Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose money. This is a high-risk investment. You may not be able to access your money easily and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.
Capital at risk
Capital at risk
Director guaranteed
You make
Minimum investment is £100
Total return
Monthly repayments

MDA Contracts Ltd is a flooring contracting company owned by Glenn Alexander. With over two decades of experience in the industry, Glen brings a global wealth of knowledge to MDA Contracts having worked with UK, Chinese, US and Australian markets. He is looking for funds for project fulfillment and expansion.

International flooring solutions company working on both commercial and residential projects

With my expertise and background in this sector, I have managed to build a network and secure many recurring clients. I’ve personally estimated, run, organised and handed over Commercial and Residential projects that range from £10,000 to up to £1.5/2m across the UK. We make it a priority to ensure that every project is treated with the same enthusiasm and respect no matter the size or cost.

Alongside my passion for the industry, having a new young family is what continues to fuel my drive and mission to make MDA contracts the flooring contractors of choice. I place a lot of emphasis on building and maintaining relationships, which is what I believe has contributed to the growth and continued success of MDA contracts.

Our global reputation is growing, recently managing and overseeing the installation of £2m plus worth of business across 15 states over 5 months. With our wealth of knowledge and expertise, I’ve helped develop products making us the go to flooring solutions provider. We are currently seeking funds for project expansion and project fulfilment.

Credit commentary:
The director is providing a personal guarantee, this means that if the business fails, the director becomes personally liable for the loan. The director is a homeowner, however, this does not ensure there are sufficient assets should the loan need to be recovered. There have been no CCJs for the business or director. In 2022, admin costs were £464,201 and other operating income was £28,731. In 2021, admin costs were £203,125 and other operating income was £47,975. The admin expenses in the financial table below includes other operating income. The bank statements demonstrate reasonable affordability and the accounts remain well in credit.

Covid resilience:
The general findings of surveys show that the majority of construction related businesses have been hit hard by COVID-19. MDA Contracts Ltd has moved through challenges presented and is proving good resilience.


Business keeps the raised amount even if target is not met.
Loan - product type
Tranche (1 of 2)
£ 90k
£ 23k
Est close date
Funded 2 years ago in 29 days

Where will the funds go?

Expansion & Cashflow

Key people

Glenn Alexander
Karl Small

Business brand

Epping, UK

"International flooring solutions company working on both commercial and residential projects"

7 years, 2 months
Credit risk indicator

Risk warning

Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Your capital invested is not covered for compensation in the event of a loss by the FSCS. Tax treatment will depend on the individual circumstances and may be subject to change. Please see our Risk section before making an investment decision.