The Future of the Action Sports Protection Industry
Snow, mountain and road: the 3 words that will define the next 20 years of Ruroc! Over the past 6 years, Ruroc has dominated the full-face ski and snowboard helmet market with their RG1-X helmet system profitably generating over £1.45m turnover this year alone. With over 30,000 helmet systems in circulation, weekly Sky Sports coverage in the pit lanes of Formula One, who use our helmets, and a network of over 830,000 fans, Ruroc are now ready to tackle their next market head-on.
Where will the funds go?

Investor rewards
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Ruroc Yourself Out
The FREE Helmet Level
A FREE Helmet with Shockwave Audio! + Vote
FREE Limited Edition Helmet + Vote
Gear up your crew with 5 FREE Helmets + Vote
Join the Ruroc Photoshoot with 5 Helmets + Vote
X-Games, ISPO trip, photoshoot, 5 Helmets! + Vote
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