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Capital at risk
Est. Months
Capital at risk
Director guaranteed
You make
Minimum investment is £100
Total return
Est. Monthly repayments

S.Khan Poultry is a family-owned business specialising in farming, processing and distribution of meat. Located in the region of Derby UK, they supply premium free-range chicken to independent halal butchers, supermarkets & commercial catering establishments. The funds for this campaign will be used to purchase new refrigeration equipment to help them expand

Always 100% fresh, halal, and free-range.

Located in the region of Derby, UK we specialise in farming, processing and distribution of our meat. We pride ourselves in being super involved in the production of our meat, which includes making sure that our animals are well taken care of as ethics is a core part of our values. Our farmers are constantly optimising their approach to ensure this, thus in turn also producing the best outcome in the quality of meat.

We are a trusted poultry supplier and are FSA approved and transported by FSA approved hauliers. On top of that, our products are delivered on a ‘just in time’ basis to ensure our customers receive only the freshest products.

Our main customers are independent halal butchers, supermarkets, restaurants, commercial catering, and fast-food market.

We sell a range of products from the liver, gizzards, drumsticks, breast trims, hearts, mini fillets, and more.

At S.Khan Poultry, we also are keen on contributing to a greener planet, so it was important to us that we produce our chicken locally in the farms of North-West London to reduce our carbon footprint. For this reason, our products are also cost-effective because of our manufacturing process, making them priced at a competitive rate.

As we are 100% halal, we have a larger reach of customers in which we are proud of, as it means our products are more accessible.

It will be a pleasure to have you take part in our growth as we continue providing the very best for our British customers. The funds raised will go towards refrigeration equipment.

COVID Resilience:
Online grocery shopping has doubled since COVID lockdown and therefore the business has experienced minimal impacts.

Credit Risk Comments:
The director is providing a personal guarantee, this means that if the business fails the director becomes personally liable for the loan. The director is a homeowner, this does not mean there are assets to cover the loan in the event the business fails. There have been no CCJs for the business or director.


Business keeps the raised amount even if target is not met.
Revenueshare - product type
£ 70k
£ 38k
Est close date
Funded 3 years ago in 29 days

Where will the funds go?

Refrigeration Units

Key people

Israr Ahmed

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Business brand

Derby, UK

"Always 100% fresh, halal, and free-range."

8 years, 0 months

Risk warning

Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Your capital invested is not covered for compensation in the event of a loss by the FSCS. Tax treatment will depend on the individual circumstances and may be subject to change. Please see our Risk section before making an investment decision.