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Crowd2Fund becomes founding UK representative of the European CrowdFunding Association

Crowd2Fund attended European Crowdfunding Association hosted in Paris. The event today was attended by 10 other crowdfunding platforms across Europe including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and UK.

7th August 2014

Crowd2Fund attended European Crowdfunding Association hosted in Paris. The event today was attended by 10 other crowdfunding platforms across Europe including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and UK. The association has been formed to represent the European crowdfunding sector as a body within institutions such as the World Bank and European Union. Furthermore, the association members benefits by sharing knowledge and experience with each other across Europe.

The association discussed with great enthusiasm about the opportunities that have arisen by the growing industry of crowdfunding during the event. By 2025, it is thought by the World Bank that  the industry will be worth more than $96 billion ( – which is double that of the current global VC market.
For more information see

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