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Funding Fast

Want to fund faster? Here’s how …

12th July 2022

Want to fund faster? Here’s how … 

We find our fastest funding businesses are those that take the time to ensure they are providing all the necessary assets and content that will excite investors. Entrepreneurs that are eager to harness the support of their existing clients/customers by delivering a consistent message across all channels tend to fund quickly with us at Crowd2Fund. This article is a simple step-by-step guide designed to help you boost your funding round. 

  1. Increase awareness of your campaign. 
  2. Interact with our socials.
  3. Share creative videos and content.
  4. Share news with our content team.
  5. Make your campaign appealing to investors. 

1. Increase awareness of your campaign.  In order to raise awareness of your campaign, aim to increase your social media presence. Email your campaign link to your clients/customers, and share it across your social media channels. 

2. Interact with our socials. Boost your funding speed by following our social media accounts; making sure to like, comment and repost.

3. Share creative videos and content.  Creative videos and content increase awareness and excite investors. Share this content on your social media accounts, and with our content team. Here’s an example of a video that PLANKS created for their Crowd2Fund campaign… and here’s a secret… they overfunded. 

4. Share your news with our content team. Whether you win an award, complete an exciting project, or reach an impressive milestone, share it with our content team. We can share your successes with our investors to further boost your campaign. 

5. Make your campaign appealing to investors. By offering high interest rates, having quick responses to questions and adding a profile picture to your campaign, we recognised increased engagement from investors.

If you have any questions or wish to adjust your campaign, email here. Looking to raise funds for your business, sign up today. And remember to follow us on Instagram and Twitter for the latest. 

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