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The New Crowd2Fund iOS App

We've relaunched our iOS app that has been highly optimised with a preview to our new branding

24th December 2021

Last month we launched our new iOS application that has been significantly improved with a new look that will also be part of Crowd2Fund’s new branding. we've specially designed our app for our investors and in our relaunch, we have mainly focused on optimising user experience. Our tech team has worked hard to ensure to highly optimise its performance end-to-end and we are pleased to announce that we were able to achieve this deliverable that was also a part of our Reboot Britain promise.  

The app allows our investors to manage their portfolios and make investments on the go from anywhere in the world. Investors can register, set-up their IFISA where earnings from an investment of up to £20,000 per year are tax-free. The app can easily be modified to offer payments via a debit card and offer our users bank accounts which are aligned to our medium-term objective of providing capital and broader banking services to the unbanked around the world. It will also be a critical tool for deployment of the technology internally as well as a critical tool for deployment of the technology internally. 

As of now, The Exchange is currently disabled, but we will activate it soon which will allow people to trade investments between each other within the community. The slick and optimised design and user experience has been carefully designed by our leading product and engineering team – along with higher performance it is one of the brilliant engineering successes of the Crowd2Fund team during 2021 and we’re really proud of this achievement.

So far we've seen a great uptake of almost 500 downloads in the first month and within the last month, 460 investors have had around 2,700 sessions on the app and nearly 100 active investors have been logging in daily. As we grow, we will continue to become a mobile first platform.

What’s unique is about our platform is that we give you access to a market of entrepreneurs and put you in control of your money that enables you to choose the businesses you want to back, and now have made it easier for you using our app.

If you’re an iOS user then please do download the application and also feel free to give us feedback as we will continue to improve and develop it with enhanced dashboard features to give you an absolutely cutting-edge investing experience.

Happy investing.


The Crowd2Fun Team


To download our app, please click on the link below:

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Risk warning

Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Your capital invested is not covered for compensation in the event of a loss by the FSCS. Tax treatment will depend on the individual circumstances and may be subject to change. Please see our Risk section before making an investment decision.
